Knocklyon United

Founded 1984

Co. Dublin

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Mini World Cup 2023 Sunday

Back-to-back champions take a bow

What a phenomenal season it has been for our U14A team, who joined in the celebrations at the ...

Mini World Cup 2023 Team Photos

Mini World Cup 2023 Finals Day!

Mini World Cup 2023 Day 4

Mini World Cup 2023 Day 3

Mini World Cup 2023 Day 2

Mini World Cup 2023 Day 1

Mini World Cup 2023 Information

Hi everyone.The Mini World Cup is just around the corner so here's a quick note to let you k...

Mini World Cup 2023

IT'S BACK!!!Everyone’s favourite week of the year. It’s Knocklyon United's Mini World Cup 202...

Knocklyon U13 Sunday - Blackpool Cup 2023

Knocklyon U13 Sunday - Blackpool Cup 2023Our 1st game against Clyde from Scotland started wi...

What an amazing Easter weekend for our U11s in Blackpool who took home the Blackpool Cup Trophy

What an amazing Easter weekend for our U11s in Blackpool who took home the Blackpool Cup Troph...

Well done to our U12 Major Boys

What a day, what a game and what an amazing bunch of lads.GB had a very strong first half and ...

Easter Camp

The First Knocklyon Utd Easter Camp kicks off on the 3rd of April!!The Easter Camp will take p...

Our Shop

We’re super proud of our club shop, offering amazing coffee, sweets and treats (and lots more)...

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